Brandon, SD | 3 Mile Radius | 5 Mile Radius | 10 Mile Radius | 5 Minute DT | 10 Minute DT | 15 Minute DT |
Estimated Population | 12,960 | 24,012 | 151,454 | 9,756 | 19,089 | 77,089 |
Number of Households | 4,582 | 8,411 | 58,898 | 3,428 | 6,734 | 28,535 |
Projected Annual Growth (5 YR) | 5.83% | 13.27% | 5.41% | 4.78% | 10.18% | 7.33% |
Median Household Income | $98,921 | $93,859 | $68,749 | $97,450 | $97,622 | $69,999 |
Average Age | 37.8 | 38.6 | 39 | 37.8 | 38.5 | 38.9 |
Average Home Value | $403,143 | $414,150 | $354,940 | $386,159 | $416,420 | $340,840 |
Bachelor's Degree % | 27% | 26% | 23% | 26% | 27% | 21% |
Daytime Population | 10,722 | 17,716 | 165,804 | 8,269 | 14,432 | 71,102 |
Labor Force | 10,185 | 19,071 | 119,742 | 7,689 | 15,149 | 61,081 |
Brandon Trade Area Demographics
Median Household Income
Bachelor's Degree or higher
Daytime Population
Projected 2028
AVERAGE People Per
Projected Growth Rate
Average Home Value
ESRI Tapestry Segmentation is a geodemographic segmentation system that integrates consumer traits with residential characteristics to identify markets and classify neighborhoods. Neighborhoods with the most similar characteristics are grouped together, while neighborhoods with divergent characteristics are separated. Internally homogenous, externally heterogeneous market segments depict consumers' lifestyles and life stages. Tapestry Segmentation combines the "who" of lifestyle demography with the "where" of local geography to create a classification model with 67 distinct, behavioral market segments.
5 Mile Radius
LifeMode Group: Family Landscapes
Workday Drive
Workday Drive is an affluent, family-oriented market with a country flavor. Residents are partial to new housing away from the hustle and bustle of the city but close enough to commute to professional job centers. Life in these typically suburban areas offset the hectic pace of two working parents with growing children. They favor time-saving devices, like banking online or housekeeping services, and family-oriented pursuits.
Market Profile
Family-oriented purchases and activities dominate, like televisions, video game consoles, children's apparel and toys, and visits to theme parks or zoos.
Outdoor activities and sports are characteristics of life in these suburban areas. They attend sporting events, as well as participate in things like bicycling, jogging, golfing, and boating.
Home maintenance services are frequently contracted, but these families also like their gardens and own the tools for minor upkeep, like lawn mowers, trimmers, and blowers.
LifeMode Group: Family Landscapes
Home Improvement
Married-couple families occupy well over half of these suburban households. Most Home Improvement residences are single-family homes that are owner occupied, with only one-fifth of the households occupied by renters. Education and diversity levels are similar to the US as a whole. These families spend a lot of time on the go and therefore tend to eat out regularly. When at home, weekends are consumed with home improvement and remodeling projects.
Market Profile
Enjoy working on home improvement projects and watching DIY networks.
Make frequent trips to warehouse/club and home improvement stores in their minivan or SUV.
Very comfortable with new technology; embrace the convenience of completing tasks on a mobile device.
Frequently buy children's clothes and toys.
A GAP Analysis helps us uncover the number of dollars being spent outside of the community on an annual basis from a categorical perspective. It measures actual consumer expenditures within the City's trade area and compares it to the potential retail revenue generated by retailers in the same area. The difference between the two numbers reflects leakage, or the degree to which consumers travel outside the community for certain retail goods and services.
Examining the numbers, both the City of Brandon's Trade Area and Total Market shows significant potential for growth, especially for Foodservice & Drinking Places, General Merchandise Stores, Gasoline Stations, Food & Beverage Stores, Building Material & Equipment Stores, Health & Personal Care Stores, and Clothing & Clothing Accessory Stores.
Market Supply
Market Leakage